Club Awards

GRAND PRIX COMPETITION:  Participate or compete in designated Grand Prix races during the year (See this page for details).

RACE PARTICIPATION AWARD: Participate in the required number of Massachusetts races & CRR volunteer activities (See this page for details).

CONSECUTIVE RUNNING DAYS:  Run 90 days or more consecutively (minimum of 2mi/day).

NEW ENGLAND AWARD:  Complete at least one race in all six New England states.

IRON RUNNER AWARD:  Complete at least 250 miles in organized (timed) events

TRAILBLAZER AWARD:  Complete at least 150 miles in organized (timed) trail running events

ULTIMATE AWARD:  Complete a variety of long distance events (see this page for complete details).

MILEAGE CHALLENGE AWARD:  Reach the levels of total miles run/walked during the year. timed races, virtual races, and training run/walks can all be counted. (Daily steps for everyday things such as, going to the mailbox or grocery shopping do not count).

“Bronze Level”:              1,000 Miles

“Silver Level”:                 1,500 Miles

“Gold Level”:                  2,000 Miles

Be sure to track all your mileage to reach your challenge level!

PRESIDENT’S AWARD AND CLUB RECORD TIMES:  Run faster than these times in a race to qualify for an award: President’s Award, Club Record Times

BOSTON QUALIFIER AWARD:  Meet or exceed the qualifying times for the Boston Marathon as set forth by the Boston Athletic Association.

OTHER AWARDS:  See Other Awards for running awards that go beyond what CRR offers annually.

2024 Awards Submission Form

Use the 2024 Awards Submission Form to submit your awards for 2024.  Deadline for submission is January 4, 2024.